ISSO is the Dutch Knowledge Centre for the building and building services sector. ISSO is founded as a not for profit organization with the aim to coordinate research and organize knowledge transfer to the practitioners in the building and building services sector. ISSO is founded by the various professional associations in this sector. Since our start, 45 years ago, ISSO published more as 140 guidelines, publications and research reports. ISSO is also involved in the national, European (CEN) and international (ISO) standardization work in this field. ISSO publications are the basis for building service design and installation in the Netherlands. Some of our work is also published by similar organizations in other EU countries, this work was generally carried out with EU-support. ISSO plays an active role in the coordination work on the CEN standardization in the area of Energy for Buildings and Building systems, first as chair of a CEN Joint Working group on CENTC89,156,228 and 247 and later as Chair of the CEN BT TF173 coordinating the standardization work on the EPBD (Mandate M343). ISSO participates in several IEE and H2020 projects concerning BUILD UP Skills and Construction Skills.