Federación Valenciana de Empresarios de la Construcción (FEVEC) (english: Valencian Federation of Construction Companies) is a private non-profit professional association. FEVEC aims to be the reference body for all companies and industry associations of the construction sector in the Comunidad Valenciana region. In addition, the federation mission is to be the institution that constitutes the “voice” of the sector before any public or public organism or administration and to defend its legitimate interests. FEVEC was established in May 1977 as a reorganisation of several sectorial associations. At its inception, the institution objectives were to defend the business interest at a policy level. Progressively, and as a natural evolution several areas have been developed in order to offer global and better services to the sector. At present FEVEC is formed by 13 different associations representing around 600 companies in the sector. It accounts with 6 strategic committees which provide support to the managing bodies: Transport, Economy, Training, Environment and wastes, International and Laboural Risk Prevention.
Contact persons
María Lladró Ortí
Laura Reus Losa