ÉMI Non-Profit Limited Liability Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building (ÉMI) is Hungary’s largest complex institute in construction and building materials industry with more than 200 employees. Activities are issuing technical assessment, testing, inspection, laboratory experiences, research and development, certification and trainings for professionals from blue collar workers to engineers and inspectors. The main mission of the institute is securing the high quality of the implementation and installations of the construction sector. In the field of innovation, we are working from applied research to the market uptake. Its operation covers the entire country and also includes several international markets. ÉMI has been participating in many fields of building energy efficiency. Since the first release of the basic decree of the building energy performance calculation and requirements (2002-EPBD), ÉMI has been one of the most active and important participant and contributor of the Hungarian building energy profession. It can be stated that ÉMI has one of the most significant expertise in the building energy field of Hungary, including the nZEB requirement-related area. ÉMI was the technical project manager of the Hungarian national residential refurbishment programme and has been acted as technical assessor of the structural funds of the project getting funded by the structural fund in the national environmental and energy operation programme (KEOP).
ÉMI’s activities cover the entire country, and in addition, we fulfil foreign orders as well. Our high quality professional work is aided by a Central Laboratory in Szentendre with 2 regional laboratories, that perform tests accredited by the National Accreditation Authority. Laboratory tests include mechanical and chemical properties of materials, composites and structures, building physics characteristics, thermal characteristics as heat transfer coefficient value; impact resistance; acoustic performance; reaction to fire and resistance to fire.
ÉMI is an active member of a number of European and international organizations (EOTA, EGOLF, ENBRI, WFTAO, CIB, ECTP, UEA etc.) and an observer member of IEA EBC. ÉMI has long experience in European research being active in FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 as well. Most important projects are CRISP, PeBBU, FIRE-TECH, DEMOHOUSE, EUR ACTIVE ROOFER, GREEN SOLAR CITIES (CONCERTO II), ENSLIC Building, LO RE LCA, SECHURBA, ERACOBUILD,), where ÉMI had a role as partner and WP leader; PIMES (CONCERTO III) project in which ÉMI was national coordinator, ÉMI was the project coordinator of BUSH project and now ÉMI is the coordinator of TRAINBUD project and is task leader in BRESAER project and in NEWCOM project and participates in RURITAGE project.
ÉMI organized the Solar Decathlon Europe 2019 in its own Industrial Park in Szentendre. The Solar Decathlon is an international competition that challenges collegiate teams to design and build houses powered exclusively by the renewable energy sources: the main aim of the competition is to promote of architectural solutions related to solar energy, renewable energies and innovative technologies through the houses (measurable area of 45-70 m2) built by the university teams. During the 10 day long competition the teams with monitored and given internal comfort features (temperature, humidity, lighting, CO2 level) perform actual household tasks and each unit has been actively monitored with wireless sensors. The further aim is to create a sustainable building demonstration and knowledge park – based on the remaining competition houses – for Central and Eastern Europe.