November 2023/
The 3rd Train the Trainers (TtT) event took place in October and November 2023. Twenty-five construction professionals from sixteen countries (and not only from Europe) participated and successfully completed this training course. Like previous TtT, this course was an online event that was split into three consecutive sessions occurring on three consecutive Tuesday afternoons (2,5 hours each), October 31st, November 7th and November 14th. During the course, participants were introduced to the circular economy and its application within the construction sector. Participants were also presented the work and findings of the BUS-GoCircular project.
The first two days the course consisted of two presentations on a specific topic (Introduction to circular economy, training materials and useful tools, units of learning outcomes and skills mapping), followed by group work where 5 to 6 participants with similar professional backgrounds worked and discussed. The third day was almost entirely devoted to interactive group work. During the interactive sessions the participants discussed opportunities and barriers to implement circularity in their work/profession, worked with available training materials created by the BGC team and finally designed their own training program. They utilised shared working platforms in both Mural and Google Drive.
The final output was a presentation delivered by each of the 5 groups. This contained a short description of the designed course. This included; the educational form of the course, the level of the course, the number of proposed hours in person and self-directed, the target audience and the modules that the course will likely cover. The goal of this presentation was to attract future course participants by covering unique and important topics and utilising interesting new teaching methods. The proposals for these training programs were presented to the group at large followed by a round of questions and answers. The standard of the course proposals was to a very high level and all participants received a certificate of completion and a digital badge.
Despite being online, the participants appreciated the interactive format and the space given to discuss the topic and materials presented with people from other countries.